This page will answer the most common questions we get regarding our products.

Q: I can't find my key to download?
A: There are no more key mods, MODGuard replaces all the mods that previously had keys.

Q: What is MODGuard?
A: MODGuard is a plugin that allows you to replace mod keys. It works through a DLL file that the game automatically loads when placed in the plugins folder. For more information, visit this page.

Q: Where can I download MODGuard?
A: You can download MODGuard through MODGuardPlugin.zip or in the product download page.
A video guide as well as a written guide to install is available.
The video guide can be found following this youtube link. 

Q: 389/trailer is crashing my game, how can I fix it?
A: Because our mods are quite detailed you need to allow the computer to use more resources, you will need to change the buffer in your config file.

Q: How do I change my buffer?

(You can click the image if it's too small)

Q: I don't get any loads for the Rogers Lowboy trailer.
A: Did you put both "freight" and "no freight" in your load order? You only need one or the other depending on if you want freight market loads or not.
DO NOT run both at the same time because they will conflict with eachother.

Often the followup question

Q: What is the difference between freight and no freight for Rogers?
A: The file you see as "freight" will add trailer loads when you select "freight market" in the game, so you don't need to own a trailer to use it. Can be heavier on fps, so if you notice a lot of frame drop use the no freight. With no freight you still get cargo, but you must purchase a trailer.

Q: I installed MODGuard but my mods are not showing up, how can I fix this?
A: If your mods are not showing even if MODGuard have been installed please contact us so we can assist you further.
Sometimes the plugin may select wrong path but that can be corrected.

Q: I can't get in to my account, and I don't receive a password reset link.
A: Contact us with your email and state on which website, wether it is the download website or the shop website.

Q: Where are the yards located that come with the truck?
A: The G35 yard is near Sacramento in California, and the other yard is in Idaho Falls, Idaho. To use the Idaho Falls yard it's necessary to use ATS Expansion map mod.
To use the ATS Expansion map mod you will need: all state DLC, Volvo Construction DLC and Forest Machinery DLC.

Q: Where can I find addons, paintjobs and engine defs for the truck?
A: Most of the addons you'll find in our discord after your roles have been assigned, but you can also find some of the addons in the private Facebook group.

Q: How can I add logos to my truck?
A: Following this link will take you to a detailed video going over all the files in the skinable logo mod and how to use them.

Q: How can I add engines to the truck?
A: The def name for the truck is 389ep add that in to the engine def.

Q: Does it matter if I download from server 1 or 2?
A: No, just download from one or the other, we have two servers in case one is being slow. They contain the same files.

 If neither of this is to any help for you, as always you can reach out to us on our main Facebook page or join our Discord for the fastest response.